Stage 2 - Division 2
Marist Light
Marist Light 2/91 won against Eastlake Orioles 9/85
Batting: Flynn Carolan 30 off 30 not out; Ethan Warner- Payten 20 off 30 not out and Dimitri Taflaga 14 Off 4 not out
Bowling: Dimitri 2/5; Evander Jose 2/11 and Angad and Leo 1/3
The boys were keen to play for the first game back after the break. They lost the toss and were sent into field. Angad and Jackson started the game with maiden overs each, followed by generally tight bowling by all bowlers. Leo made the break with the first wicket in the 12th over, with the remaining wickets falling over the next 10
overs. The boys kept the Orioles to 85.
After a delicious morning tea, Flynn and Ethan took to the centre keen to get the job done. Some beautiful shots saw the boys score 50 between them. Will, Leo,
Evander and Dimitri all contributed to the remaining runs, with Dimitri hitting the winning runs with a powerful 6 In the 4th over! Well done boys!
Rachael McDonald