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The College and all Sports Clubs are required to comply with the requirements of the Working with Vulnerable People (Background Checking) Act 2011 (the Act). Marist College Canberra requires all coaches, managers, committee members and volunteers working with Marist Sports Clubs, and who are over the age of 16, to register and have a valid WWVP registration in order to engage in activities with our students.


This document has been developed to assist clubs committee members understand the shared responsibilities of their volunteers, Sports Clubs and Marist College and how we work together to comply with the requirements of the Act.



  1. Apply for and renew WWVP registration in a timely manner with Access Canberra

Registration for volunteers is free of charge, but as proof of identity is required, it is up to the individual to lodge the application with Access Canberra. The process is outlined in the WWVP – Information for Sports Club Volunteers document and on the Access Canberra website. Note that the registration process can take up to 12 weeks to complete.

2. Enter their WWVP information onto the College’s WWVP Register

Volunteers are required to provide evidence of their WWVP registration directly to the College via a secure online WWVP Register. In addition to their number and expiry, volunteers need to upload a copy (scan or photo) of their physical card (both front and back) when they complete the online form. If the card has not been received, or renewal is in progress, a copy of the application or receipt is acceptable evidence.

3, Follow-up with Access Canberra if there are significant delays

During busy periods, such as prior to commencement of the sporting season, the Registration process

can take longer than anticipated to finish. Occasionally applications can also get lost in the system.

4. Carry their WWVP Registration card on their person at all time while working with students

This is an important requirement under the Act.




1. Provide the College with a list of volunteers
All Sports Clubs are required to provide an accurate list of all coaches, managers and volunteers to the College for validation. The list is to be sent to


The list must include:
• The name of the volunteer
• The role of the volunteer
• The team with which they are involved (e.g. U15 sky)

• Contact email


This list should be provided to the College as a matter of priority and prior to any confirmation of teams or the volunteer’s commencement in training and participation in competitions.


2. Distribute to volunteers WWVP registration information
The WWVP – Information for Sports Club Volunteers document contains all relevant information relating to obtaining a WWVP. It is available from Marist Sports Clubs Governance Portal, or on request from the College as needed.

3. Promote compliance with WWVP requirements
Regular reminders are important to ensure volunteers comply with Access Canberra’s WWVP registration requirements as well as the College’s WWVP Register process.


PLEASE NOTE: All coaches, managers and volunteers are required to carry their WWVP Registration Card on their person at all times while working with students (or carry their application receipt if they are awaiting the arrival of their registration).




  1. Maintain a WWVP register of volunteers that are engaged in Marist Sports Clubs
    The register is maintained in a secure manner in accordance with the College’s Privacy Policy.

  2. Cross check lists provided against our WWVP Register
    The College will also notify clubs if there are volunteers that need to be followed-up.

  3. Fulfil ACT Government and Marist College compliance and reporting requirements
    Examples of some of the requirements include: undertaking data audits, providing current information, reporting breaches and undertaking ‘random’ checks to ensure volunteers have their WWVP cards available while working with students.


If you have any questions please regarding the WWVP Registration process please contact the Staff & Community Office on 62987262 or email


The College is grateful for the generous support, assistance and work of all our volunteers.

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